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Technology never ceases to amaze us with innovative solutions that simplify our daily lives. And this time, a new partnership between two industry giants, Stripe and Google, promises to bring a breath of fresh air to the world of online bookings and payments. Thanks to this exciting collaboration, businesses and professionals can now accept payments directly through Google Calendar, opening the doors to a smoother and more efficient user experience. Let’s explore together how this integration between Stripe and Google Calendar is revolutionizing the way we book and pay for services.

Pagamenti in Google Calendar, esempio di pagamento

A strategic partnership

Stripe, a renowned financial infrastructure platform for businesses, has recently announced a groundbreaking partnership with Google Workspace. The goal is to provide a more streamlined way to manage paid appointment bookings through Google Calendar. This integration, based on Stripe Connect and Stripe Checkout, allows customers to make payments seamlessly and instantly during the booking process, right from the Google Calendar page.

Seamlessly integrated process

Imagine booking a session with your favorite therapist or arranging a private lesson with your trusted instructor. With this new feature, you can do so seamlessly. Businesses can link their Stripe account and set the price for their offered services. Customers, in turn, can book a desired appointment through the Google Calendar booking page. Once the preferred time is chosen, payment details can be entered directly on the platform. Additionally, businesses can restrict access to the appointment until payment is made, ensuring that each booking is confirmed and guaranteed.

Pagamenti in Google Calendar, form di prenotazione

An advantage for businesses and professionals

This innovative collaboration offers numerous advantages for businesses and professionals. “Making appointment booking and payment incredibly easy for customers means reducing administrative work and increasing revenue for businesses,” enthusiastically explained Mike Clayville, Chief Revenue Officer of Stripe. With a seamless booking and payment experience, businesses can focus more on delivering high-quality services to their customers, saving precious time in financial transaction management.

Optimization of payments in Google Calendar

A particularly attractive feature of this integration is the payment optimization offered by Stripe Checkout. Google Workspace provides businesses with a meticulously designed payment module that allows them to accept payments through over 40 different payment methods. A study conducted by Stripe demonstrated that businesses utilizing these payment optimizations could experience up to a 10.5% increase in revenue. This means that the collaboration between Stripe and Google Calendar not only simplifies the payment process but can also have a significant positive impact on business finances.

A future of efficiency and simplicity

This new feature is poised to reshape how you schedule and manage your daily activities. Whether you’re an independent professional offering consultations or a company managing time-based services, this integration between Stripe and Google Calendar provides you with an easier and more intuitive way to handle bookings and payments. With the support of a powerful partnership like this, the future of online bookings seems even brighter.

Pagamenti in Google Calendar, processo tramite Stripe

Connecting Stripe for payments in Google Calendar: a step-by-step guide

Linking your Stripe account to Google Calendar is a straightforward process that enables you to start accepting payments for bookings directly from your Google Calendar appointment page. Follow these simple steps to set up the integration and begin offering a seamless booking and payment experience:

  1. Open Google Calendar
    Access your Google Calendar account on your computer.
  2. Access Settings
    In the top right corner, click the settings icon (represented by a gear) and select “Settings.”
  3. Navigate to General Appointment Settings
    In the left sidebar, click “General,” and then select “Appointment scheduling”.
  4. Connect to Stripe
    Choose the option to connect your account to Stripe. You will be guided through the setup process.
  5. Follow Stripe instructions
    You will be redirected to your Stripe dashboard. Follow the instructions provided by Stripe to link your account. Several steps will be required to verify and complete the integration.
  6. Set Up Payments and Cancellation Policy
    Once connected, return to Google Calendar. Create or edit an appointment and go to the “Payments and cancellation policy” section. Here, you can select the option to “Require payment when booking,” input the required amount and currency for the appointment, and add a cancellation policy if needed.
  7. Save Settings
    Be sure to click “Save” to apply the changes.

There you have it! You have successfully set up the integration between Stripe and Google Calendar. Your customers can now book appointments on your Google Calendar page and complete the payment process through Stripe, all in a simple and intuitive manner.
Please note that if your Google Workspace account is managed by an organization, access to paid appointment bookings may be controlled by the administrator. If you encounter any issues or have questions about the setup, you can always refer to the Google Calendar help guide or Stripe support for further information and assistance. You are now ready to offer your customers a stress-free booking and payment experience!



The integration between Stripe and Google Calendar is a revolutionary breakthrough that simplifies the lives of businesses and professionals. The ability to accept payments directly through Google Calendar opens up new opportunities to reduce administrative work, increase revenue, and offer an optimized user experience. With the support of Stripe Checkout and over 40 available payment methods, this collaboration promises to bring a new level of efficiency and convenience to the world of online bookings. We are only at the beginning of this exciting journey, and we look forward to seeing how this integration will continue to transform the way we schedule and manage our appointments.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions, doubts or need help with Google Workspace for your business, write to us and we will be happy to answer all your questions.